
Turns Out Starbucks Almost Had A Completely Different Name

We are 3000% NOT here for their original name.

Your fave coffee brewhouse Starbucks has become more than just a place to grab your caffeine hit, they’ve become a ~*cultural icon*~.


But we can’t help but wonder if the coffee chain would’ve been quite as successful if it had kept its OG name.

In an interview with the Seattle Times, Starbucks’ co-founder Gordon Bowker opened up about the weird AF name that was touting around in the early days of the business.

Bowker revealed that they almost called the brand ‘Cargo House’.


Luckily for us mermaid-coffee lovers, Bowker’s business partner Terry Heckler put his foot down and changed the name to the now beloved ‘Starbucks’.

He went on to say that words starting with ‘st’ have a strong sound, therefore denoting #success.

The pair were inspired by an old school mining town in Washington called ‘Starbo’ as it reminded them of the character in popular flick Moby Dick.

Plus, the names ‘star’ and ‘bucks’ are totally relevant bc everyone knows that Starbucks drinkers are total stars with allllllll of the bucks (or no bucks bc they’ve spent it all on exxy coffee…).


Either way, we’re V grateful for the name change.

Now let’s cheers our venti mochas!

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