As dating apps and social media ever increasingly shape our relationships, viral terms to describe modern dating behaviours are becoming more common. From ghosting to breadcrumbing and even gas-lighting.
The latest dating term to enter popular vernacular is “sneating” aka sneaking eating. A term coined to describe who strategically goes on date because they want to eat at a nice restaurant without having to foot the bill.
More subtly, sneaking also applies to daters who order up and purposely opt for more expensive dishes.
While Urban Dictionary dates “sneating” back to 2011 the term gained momentum when a woman named Sarah explained that she has no regrets about sneating with her Tinder dates.
When the New York Post published Sarah’s story, they said that sneating “feeds on chivalrous men.” Calling the men “chivalrous” definitely implies that men are getting taken advantage of here. But not everyone believes that. The conversation is two-sided: Some say that going out with someone purely for a free meal is manipulative. Others make the valid point that the men (and it’s usually men) who end up paying for the date knew what they were signing up for, and the women (because it’s usually women) who benefit don’t owe them anything.