How A New Self-Defence TikTok Dance Is Championing Gender Equality

This International Day of the Girl Child, the conversation around gender equality continues.
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Today is International Day of the Girl Child.

If you’re currently thinking: But we already had International Women’s Day in March? First of all, fab memory. Second of all, today’s a bit different in that it specifically focuses on young girls.

Plus, it’s being championed a little differently.

WATCH: Chanel Contos’ message for International Women’s Day 2021

What is International Day of the Girl Child all about?

Established in 2011 by the United Nations General Assembly, the IDOTGC “focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights”.

From safety, to education, to health, and more, the day places emphasis on empowering adolescent girls worldwide, while making steps towards granting them a more equitable future.

To mark this important day, UN Women Australia have created a special TikTok dance. (Credit: UN Women Australia)

To mark this momentous day and continue the conversation, UN Women Australia have gone straight to the teenager hotspot: TikTok. Nice one, UN.

And no, they’re not joining #couchguy TikTok. Instead, they’ve created a special dance – one that is quickly being replicated by girls, influencers, and celebrities across the platform.

On first glance, the dance (which is being spread underneath #EmpowerMoves) may look like your average trend, but there is actually a very special meaning behind it.

If you pay close enough attention, the choreography is series of basic self-defence moves.

The aim is not to teach girls self-defence, but rather to create a community where girls can come together to celebrate their strength and feel empowered, adding their voice to the fight for an equal future.

The original dance was choreographed by Karla Mura. Take a look:

And Karla’s not the only one, TikTokers all around the globe are adding their voices to the conversation.


POV: autistic girl with dyspraxia and no rhythm tries a TikTok dance #EmpowerMoves

♬ Good Things (R3HAB Remix) – Wafia

Considering today focuses on young girls, it’s important that theirs are the voices heralding this conversation for gender equality.

After all, it’s their future.

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