
Horoscopes: your week ahead July 27th – August 3rd

See what the stars have in store.

Your Year Ahead


This year others will see you as being different, and you are.  You start to act on your own initiative without seeking approval elsewhere. Seems that you’ve finally found the right inspiration to make long standing dreams come true.  Singles look poised to meet someone extra special; partnerships also delight in more passionate play.  After September work regains priority.  Professionally, you should pinpoint new targets. Then keep plugging away until you get results.  And you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of travel.  Ditto for a revamp of image and style.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day: Thursday 2nd

It’s a week when life could become erratic.  Close friends or family could be a source of strife.  Home renovations may also take some hair-raising twists, or electronic circuitry goes haywire. On some level, though, these disruptions could reflect your inner need for more freedom, change and excitement.  Be diplomatic with the steps you take.  



Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day: Saturday 28th

This week the Sun throws his feet up in your sector of family and home and, in this instance, familiarity breeds content. If guests start flowing through your door, all the better. Introductions to new friends are also a strong possibility.  This domestic theme continues through to early August, though in a more active way as thoughts turn towards renovation. 



Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Sunday 29th

The pursuit of happiness can be difficult. Too many responsibilities, too many pressures.  Still, this shouldn’t stop you having a go at it. Mix a little determination with a lot of ambition, and you’ll get a recipe for success. Whether you dedicate that energy to your career or love life is up to you – perhaps you can satisfy both.



Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Friday 27th

It’s a week to find peace and quiet, Cancer.  Trust your faith and understand that you need to give your mind, body and spirit time to rest and recover.  No matter how much you’re being pushed and pulled to take action, stop and be still.  Calm your mind – stop it from racing.  Failure to do so may result in illness not far down the line.  



Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day: Tuesday 31st

Most Leos have the planets well and truly on side right now.  While the rest of us are trying to cope with our tedious lot, you’re spared similar frustrations. Money looks plentiful, which makes a welcome change from recent financial embarrassments.  Spend up while the going’s good.  Right now too, there’s much to be said for team effort.



Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Monday 30th

Why people behave the way they do can be a mystery. Trouble is, at times the most bizarre behaviour comes from those you thought you knew well. This week could shine some light on someone’s puzzling actions, which puts you in a better position to deal with the issues at hand. But should trouble flare, act with diplomacy.



Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:   Sunday 29th

A secret is exposed. While you may feel a tad indignant at having your psyche placed on such public display – avoid any temptation to retaliate.  This is not a time to shoot whatever grace you have left in the foot.  You will survive this little blunder.  The trick lies in distancing yourself from any emotional inferno, rather than getting caught up in it.



Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Tuesday 31st

The trouble with seeing the larger picture is that you often skip the finer details.  Thinking big is great, but some ideas need blood, sweat and tears to get off the ground.  Bear this in mind should one or two recent projects not prove viable. Still, celebrations look likely.  And should romance call, allocate extra time for play.



Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Wednesday 1st

Sagittarians are fond of fresh starts, and this week you’ll either feel the urge to expand your living quarters or throw out some of the accumulated mess.  Or you may decide to take a quick break. Suddenly too, everyone’s unusually cooperative – to the point of making you wonder where the catch lies.  Perhaps your relaxed mood is contagious.



Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Best Day:  Thursday 2nd

It’s a contemplative week, when you should listen to your heart and not your mind. While not everyone will be willing, or able, to lend a helping hand – there should still be a respectable number of people you can count on.  Don’t get too caught up on who can’t be there for you – just be grateful for those who can.



Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Wednesday 1st

Not all seems as straightforward as you’d like this week. Relationships come under scrutiny.  When there’s a communication breakdown, it pays to find out where the weakest link lies.  Also, what you’re saying right now is probably not what you really mean.  The trouble with confronting bullies is that you risk acting the same way.  Be the better person.  



Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Monday 30th

You have the enviable ability to intuitively catch hold of yourself in times of madness and do a quick reality check.  This week endorses this quest to the max, giving you more energy and drive.  There’s also an ambitious streak on the rise, so anything started now should profit well.  You’re in control, and loving it.  


By Tanya Obreza:

This article originally appeared on marie claire.

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