
Five Guys Fess Up About Losing Their Virginity And What Went Down

Let’s face it, losing your virginity, or even the mere *thought* of it, can be vom-inducing. Not because it’s gross, but because it’s such a big deal! It’s easy to think that girls are the only ones worrying about this huge milestone. But we can reveal boys are in the exact same boat… make that bed… or in some cases, car… you get the point. It may surprise you that guys, with their confident attitudes and carefree nature, might be just as nervous. Maybe even more so. Don’t believe us? These five real-life stories will change your mind…


“I have always looked older than my age and most of the girls at my school weren’t having sex when I was ready. An older girl once slid into my DM’s on Instagram, and I think because I was younger than her, I tried extra hard to impress her. One night, we planned for her to pick me up and have sex. She didn’t know it was my first time and I think she definitely expected a lot more than I could give. It was short, but definitely not sweet. She’s avoided me ever since.” – Luke, 18.


“I was pretty clueless when it came to sex. I had my first girlfriend at 16 and lost my virginity to her around my 17th birthday. We did it at her (parents’) house and, at the time, I was absolutely *terrified* of getting her pregnant. I was less familiar with the mechanics of how pregnancy worked at that time, and thought that to make it safer, I’d use two condoms instead of one. Looking back, I’ve realised that was massively counter-productive and heightened our risk of pregnancy due to the friction of the two condoms on each other, increasing the risk of breakage. It also dulled all the sensation for me – meaning I didn’t orgasm or even feel pleasure. I just felt fear over getting her pregnant, or worse, her parents walking in asking us why we hadn’t come up for dinner yet.” – Malcolm, 19


“It happened in my mum’s car in the parking lot of a mall and it was absolutely horrible because a) no matter how many movies make car sex look enjoyable – it’s not, and b) I didn’t last very long and got, er… bodily fluids on the black fabric seat that are IMPOSSIBLE to remove. Sorry, Mum.” – Liam, 1


“I’d been with my girlfriend for two years before we decided we were both ready for sex. All of my friends gave me crap for ages because heaps of them had lost theirs already and they didn’t even have a girlfriend. It bothered me a bit, but more because they were being jerks about it, rather than the fact that
I was a virgin. I really care about my girlfriend, so I wanted to make it extra special. I became so obsessed with making it romantic and perfect for her (like what you see in the movies), that I guess I went a bit crazy. My parents were going away overnight for a wedding, so we had the perfect opportunity. I totally cleaned my room and washed my sheets so they were fresh. I bought scented candles and roses so I could sprinkle rose petals all over the bed. I even meticulously planned a playlist of all of our favourite songs. I could tell she was pretty overwhelmed when she saw the set up, but she also said it was nice. I’d seriously thought of everything… that is, everything except condoms. We were both pretty nervous, and then when she asked about condoms, I freaked out because I had ruined our perfect night. I’d put so much time and effort into everything, and when it came down to it, I forgot the most important thing! I had to venture out in the worst rain and ride my bike to the supermarket while my girlfriend was waiting in my bedroom. By the time I got back, I was soaking wet and stressed that I had ruined everything. We ended up having sex and, I have to say, I think I was so worried about it being perfect, I didn’t enjoy myself at all. We’ve had sex since. Now that I don’t put that pressure on myself, I enjoy it much more!” – Sam, 17.

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