Jupiter is in your sector of far horizons this week Aries, so you’ll be feeling a huge boost from that. Fresh opportunities may come your way, so keep an eye out for those!!
Venus, which is your personal planet, urges its way into your lifestyle zone this week, Bull, putting all your indecisions at ease. If you’ve had some hard decisions to make lately, you’re going to have a lot more clarity now.
Jupiter is in your sector of relating right now, so focus on the relationships that are important to you in your life at the moment. Need to make a change and cut that person from your life? Do it! As for your romantic life, stop hanging onto that boring flame that isn’t going anywhere. Something better is coming.
Venus will be pushing through your home and family sector all week, Cancer, which could make it a good time to spend some quality time with your family. It’s also a good time to do some redecorating of your space!
You have some major highs coming soon, Leo, especially in the love department. Venus turns into your communication zone this week, meaning that person you’ve been wanting to have ‘the talk’ with, might actually be ready to move forward with you.
Mercury, your ruling planet, will go into reverse this week Virgo. Especially in your home zone. It might be a good time to start preparing for any important family events coming up NOW in case you encounter some difficult roadblocks.
Are you taking two steps forward and one step back in your relationship Libra? Well, things are going to start improving for you now. With Venus, your personal planet, turning into your sign this week, a large weight will soon be lifted off your shoulders.
Money and finances might be on the up this week Scorpio after Jupiter enters your personal money zone. You’ll start to feel a little more secure, just be careful not to overspend and splurge on unnecessary things now that you’re saving.
If you’re having an issue with someone at the moment, instead of taking a turn for the worse, things might actually start becoming less tense. Use your communication skills to avoid confrontation and just enjoy any social events you might be at with them.
Frustrated with life? Well, Jupiter’s positive influence may inspire you to find a deeper purpose in life. If you’re bored, look elsewhere for a new opportunity. Take the right steps now to ensure that your future isn’t bleak.
You’re going to be in high demand over the next week Aquarius! Jupiter is moving through your social sector, making you very appealing to be around at the moment. Just make sure you know the fake friends from the real ones.
Venus is pushing through your sensitive zone this week, meaning any old emotions you’re holding onto are ready to be let go! They’re just holding you back. You’re ready to move onto bigger and better things!