
Girlstrology Horoscopes: July 17 – 23 July

What do the stars have in store for you this week?
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Someone’s been srsly pushing your buttons lately and it’s going to become an even bigger issue this week. We suggest you sit this person down and have a calm chat with them before you lose it. Trust us, it’ll be safer for everyone this way!



You’ve been making too many sacrifices lately for a certain someone or something and that needs to ease up ‘cos you’re becoming more and more frustrated. Don’t lie, you know you are! Try finding another solution to this issue rather than stressing yourself out. It’s all about balance, Taurus. You needa think for yourself as well!


WARNING: There’s a fake person in your inner circle RN and their shady dealings are about to come to light. As hard as it sounds, you need to confront this person directly rather than gossiping about them behind their back. You’re better than that, Gemini. Confront the problem and find the best resolution plz.


You’ll be tempted to slack off more so than ever this week but you need to focus, focus, focus. It may sound borzo, but you can’t neglect your studies and/or work. Find time for both your squad AND your responsibilities or you’ll risk falling behind.


It looks like you’re going to be feeling some intense emotions this week which may even result in some tears but remember, that doesn’t make you a weak person. By letting the feels out and dealing with them, you’ll come out the other side a stronger person.


Your Virgo instincts have been taking over recently and you’ve been, sorry to say this, a complete and total control freak. Try giving someone else a turn in the driver’s seat of a certain sitch or they’ll wind up resenting you. Also, sometimes it’s fun to kick back and let someone else make the plans!


You’re the leader of the pack this week! Peeps in your circle, whether it be your fam, classmates or squad, will be leaning on you and relying on you to make the decisions. Sounds heavy, but enjoy your newfound ~power~, Libran!


Some ~interesting~ opportunities are going to come your way this week and we cannot stress this enough: GRAB THEM! Only by following your instincts and taking a chonce (as Niall would say) will you achieve your greater goals.


Your sign hits refresh this week and you’ll be feeling more happy, free and *rejuvenated* than ever. You’ll also be super optimistic which bodes well for your relationships with the people around you and your chances at success #YAS.


Uh oh, looks like you’re gonna have to make a decision this week, Cap. You’re gonna have multiple people relying on you (could be your parentals, friends and/or teachers) and you’re gonna need to make a decision about where you dedicate your time. We can’t give you the answer, just do what feels right!


Try to avoid oversharing this week ‘cos the extra details that you *accidentally* unveil could end up biting you in the butt. We cannot overstate this: think before you speak, text, or post!


This week you’re going to find a sudden hit of anger flowing through you and while this may be a natural emotion, plz try and control your temper and avoid emotional outbursts at all costs. 

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