
Girlstrology Horoscopes: January 21 – 27

What do the stars have in store for you this week?


You need to get out and travel! You might even meet that special someone while on vacation, so start looking at locations, and who you wanna get away with. It will totally be worth your while.



Go easy this week, because Mercury and Neptune will come together, forming a possible misunderstanding with someone you care about. Tensions will already be high, so don’t forget your communication skills. 


It’s time to embrace fresh opportunities! Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s not necessary to make a change or pursue these opportunities, because someone will always want to hold you back. Take the leap.


Getting along with a majority of people is something that will always test you Cancer, but this week might be a little different. Somebody who you haven’t always clicked with may could change their stance this week, and you’ll get on much better. 


It’s time to kick back and relax Leo. You’ve had a long run of being on the go 24/7, so start enjoying yourself! Divulge into things you’ve held back from in recent times and forget your responsibilities for just a hot minute.



The week is the perfect time for you to listen to your heart and hear what it is that you really want. You will probably become aware of a side of yourself that you’ve forgotten about. It’s time to give it some attention. Embrace it. Whatever it is.


With Venus and Jupiter in your sector of talk and thought this week, you’ll be open to new companionship. This companionship may even come in a form you wouldn’t expect, like your siblings, or an old friend you’ve lost touch with.


You probably have a lot of study going on at the moment, which is keeping you verrrrry busy. But don’t feel overwhelmed, because the work you’re doing now is going to highly benefit you in the future. Keep on keepin’ on. Just don’t burn yourself out.


You’re loving life at the moment, which usually means something is going to come along and rock it – but possibly in a good way! This may come in the form of a date, so keep an eye on for Friday. Someone may really make your weekend.



What do you think is the best trait you have? If you’re looking for a partner, ~romantically~, think about if you’re showing that trait off properly. What you put out into the world is what you usually bring back! 


There are some issues you’ve been putting aside lately, but it’s probably time to deal with them. But it’s okay! You never have to do this alone. A counselor, therapist, parent, teacher or friend are always good people to open up to. 


You have an active social life, and you LOVE that. But instead of socialising with all your new friends this week and weekend, maybe give your old friends a bit of quality time. They’re important people to you!

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