This is a high-key warning for you, Aries. Mercury (the planet of communication and local transportation) is still in retrograde so you’ll need to double-check literally everything you do from texts you send to homework you hand in. Little errors could mess you up big time!
Your sign is telling you that you’ve been working yourself to the bone and need to slow down a tad. Try and skip a squad hang or two and get in some down time like a long nap or a solo Netflix and chill sesh.
Uh oh, looks like someone in your squad/fam is about to tick you off majorly. Try not to be too mad at them, it is retrograde after all and communications are kinda crazy RN!
Be careful what you say in the coming weeks as an innocent comment or a simple joke could end up being misconstrued and offending someone. Think before you speak/text/post, girl.
Let’s face it, your funds have been pretty tight lately and tbh, it’s all mercury retrograde’s fault (ugh!). But as mercury exits your sign this week, financial matters could change in unexpected ways.
They say you’re never supposed to start anything or sign anything during mercury retrograde and this is especially true for you RN, Virgo. Pls pls pls try and hold off major projects until after September 5!
You’ve been letting something pile up whether it’s a massive assignment, a test to study for or even your messy AF bedroom. This week, the stars suggest that you recruit someone (a pal, parent or sibling) to help you rifle through the mess. There is power in numbers, after all.
Something recently went REALLY wrong for you, Scorp. This week, you’ll need to address what happened, figure out what went wrong and find a way to fix it. Then and only then can you get past this rut. You can do it!
You’ll be given a rare second chance at something in the coming weeks – don’t waste it! Grab the chonce (as Niall would say) with both hands and this time really focus on making things right.
Alrighty Cap, mercury retrograde is about to affect you in a V awks way. As your communication sign is haywire, you might say or post something that you’ll instantly regret. To avoid this, triple-check literally EVERYTHING you write.
There’s a personal matter you need to settle (whether it’s an important chat with a crush or bae, an issue with a friend or a domestic matter with your fam), but the stars suggest waiting until after September 5 to have the convo. You don’t want mercury retrograde messing things up!
Over the next week, you’re gonna find yourself playing back different conversations you’ve had with people. Don’t do it! It’s never a good idea to dwell on the past. Focus on how your relationship is with peeps now, not how they were before.