
WARNING: A 14-Year-Old Girl Died After Her Phone Electrocuted Her In The Bath

This is a precaution we ALL need to be aware of.

Madison Coe, a 14-year-old girl from Texas, died early Sunday morning, with authorities believing that her phone, which was plugged into a wall outlet while she bathed, electrocuted her.


“There was a burn mark on her hand,” Madison’s grandmother Donna O’Guinn told KCBD. “The hand that would have grabbed the phone. That was just very obvious that that’s what had happened.”

We have all heard about how lethal dropping a plugged in hair dryer (or anything of that kind) into a bath tub can be, so of course it goes the same for a phone that is plugged in.

It’s a precaution we all need to be aware of, especially with how attached we are to our phones, even in the bathtub.

Madison’s family is now speaking out to spread awareness of the dangers of using electronics in the bathroom.


“This is such a tragedy that doesn’t need to happen to anyone else,” said Donna. “We want something good to come out of this as awareness of not using your cellphone in the bathroom as it is plugged in and charging.”


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