Watch The Bachelor’s Abbie as she rescues an adorable doggo

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It’s The Bachelor story we never thought we needed, but we’re so glad we got. 

This season’s Bachie runner-up Abbie Chatfield, took to her Instagram story this morning to document how she returned an adorable lost husky back to its owners – and the footage is so pure. 

In the series of vids it seems Abbie has unveiled a secret talent, and it’s one we’re low-key super jealous of. 

Abbie has declared on Instagram that she is essentially a dog whisperer, as lost puppies seem to always find their way to her. 

Serious question Abbie: Can you teach us? 

Watch the footage guaranteed to melt your frozen cold heart 

“I swear I have this thing where dogs just find me, every three weeks I find a missing dog,” Abbie began, before panning the camera to the cutest doggo WE’VE EVER SEEN. 

The Bachelor
WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT FACE. (Credit: Instagram)

“Excuse me sir, have you been naughty! Did you escape?” Abbie says while patting the calm AF dog. 

“It’s alright” Abbie reassures her followers, “we’ve found his home, but he seems pretty comfortable. But I’m about to drop him home.” 

In another video, Abbie writes: “I’m obsessed” over the footage, and honestly, so are we. 

Can we steal him? (Credit: Instagram)

Abbie then shared a convo with her sister onto her Instagram story, confirming that her talent as a ‘dog magnet’ is legit, and all we’re saying is we bet Matt is kicking himself right about now.  

(Credit: Instagram)

This has been your injection of joy for the day – you’re welcome. 

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