
Turns Out Troian Bellisario Revealed The ‘PLL’ Twist On Twitter Ages Ago

Hiding in plain sight.

Did you see the Pretty Little Liars Twincer plot twist coming all along?


Well, most people didn’t and you’re low-key gonna be kicking yourself after realising that a quick browse through Troian Bellisario‘s Twitter page would’ve given it away ages ago.

The IRL Spencer/Twincer’s Twitter bio reads: “Actor. Writer. Poet. Dancer. Rock and Roll Jesus. (sometimes I play this chick Spencer Hastings on this show Pretty Little Liars). But only sometimes.”

Um, that is SUCH an A.D. manoeuvre you’ve pulled there, Troian.


In a recent interview with Elle, the star revealed that she had known the plot twist since season five and had to keep it a secret from errybody else.

“But for a long time, people would ask, ‘Who’s A.D.?’ And I’d say, ‘It’s me!’ And everyone would just laugh. It’s kind of great when you have a secret that so few people—only me, Marlene, and a handful of others at that point—know. It means you can hide in plain sight,” she said.

Well played, Troian. Well played.


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