
Meet Toni Topaz, The Girl That Gets In Between Betty And Jughead In ‘Riveradale’

She's been cast, and she's hot af.

Aside from some MAJOR hints being dropped about season two of Riverdale at Comic Con (see, new trailer)… we’ve also gotten a new character reveal.


Showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa told Entertainment Tonight that a new character named Toni Topaz is coming, and she will get in between Jughead and Betty.


“Bughead is pretty strong, and pretty undeniable, and pretty epic, but you know even the most epic of romances has trouble – and trouble often comes as a third party,” Roberto said.


“So yes, it is conceivable that Toni will potentially test the limits of Bughead.”

“In the Riverdale version of this character, she’s going to be a student at Southside High. She’s going to be a member of the Southside Serpents and she’s going to be a friend and confidant to Jughead Jones.”​

He also revealed that Toni, played by The Shannara ChroniclesVanessa Morgan, is bisexual, “vivacious, exciting, and a bit of a disrupter” with “as large an appetite for hamburgers as Jughead Jones.”



We also know that Betty and Jughead are at separate schools at the moment, causing even more of a strain on their relationship. 

The writers apparently, “looked at Jughead and were like, ‘Make him unhappy. Give him a treat. Now pull him back again,'” he said.

“Dark seems to be the buzzword we’re using for Season 2. Season 1 left him in a vulnerable position… Jughead makes understandable connections.”

It’s safe to say that we are bloody nervous. Especially if the very popular fan theory about Joaquin being Alice Cooper and FP Jones son are true, meaning Betty and Jughead would SHARE a sibling… could they really survive that?!


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