
‘The Little Mermaid’ Has Been Hit With Racist Backlash

This is insane.

Le sigh.


Diana Huey, a Japanese-American actress has been touring the country playing the most famous mermaid in the world, Ariel, in The Little Mermaid musical.

She has been at it since November, and her performance has been a major hit. 

Broadway World even called her “the most layered, honest, real and still adorable Disney Princess ever.”


However, some audiences are annoyed at her race.

Recently, she started getting rude and hateful comments on Facebook.

She told Buffalo News. “It’s hard not to take it personally. I had kind of a funky first part of the show and I was like, how do I get out of this? I can’t let that affect me.”

However, some people have come to her defence. A mother, who watched the show in Nashville, told the publication, “As soon as I saw that you were playing Ariel, I just burst into tears for the sake of my daughter (she adopted an asian daughter) being able to see that.”



“Seeing a little Asian girl in a place where there aren’t a lot of Asians, it reminds me how important it is to say diversity matters and being open-minded matters and equality matters. If I have to take the brunt of it every now and again, I will.”

Yas queen. Slay away.

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