‘The Bachelorette’ spoiler: Does Todd win Ali Oetjen’s heart?

Every winner always makes this slip up!

The Bachelorette Australia’s Todd King has 100% dropped a major hint that he is the last man standing win Ali Oetjen’s affections.

It’s a tale as old as time…

Knight in shining armor meets girl on reality TV and battles all her suitors to win over her heart.

And that nifty last rose. 


With Ali set to pick a winner in the finale in just a few days,  the 26-year-old may have “accidentally” given the nation a clue that he takes out the show. 

On Instagram, posted a very unique detail to his biography.

Alongside his previous details of “Dog dad” and “Perth, WA,” – Todd King is now a “Wannabe athlete”.

You know who is a full on athletic trainer and fitness guru – perfect for wannabe athletes – Miss Ali Oetjen!


The Instagram clues are favourite for Bachie winners.

Who can forget Laura Byrne and Matty J’s numerous Insta notes to one another?

Todd is currently battling it out between Bill Goldsmith, 31, Taite Radley, 31, to win the show.

Wednesday’s episode will be particularly nail-biting, with Ali set to have a showdown with Bill about his ex Amy.

This article was originally published on WHO

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