Current Bachelor contestant Sogand Mohtat landed herself in hot water with Channel 10 last night when she went rogue and participated in an unauthorised Instagram Live video. By breaking protocol and breaching her contract, the Persian queen confirmed she doesn’t win Matt Agnew’s heart.
*Cue the tears*
Sitting with eliminated contestant Vakoo Kauapirura and Rachael Arahill, Sogand joined in as the pair slammed the network, claiming they “faked” Rachael’s sneaky rendezvous with a producer after a furious Matt sent her packing during last night’s explosive episode.
“Obviously producers set me up,” Rachael said, adding that the scandal was “taken out of context”.
WATCH: Channel 10 bosses ‘furious’ after Bachelor contestants go rogue in Instagram Live
Meanwhile, Sogand— who’s still feuding with her archnemesis Abbie Chatfieldas she tries to win Matt’s heart— attempted to keep a low profile, however, was seen multiple times throughout the video drinking red wine with her pals.
“She’s about to get kicked out,” said Rachael of Sogand’s apparent future on the dating show. “…of my house,” she quickly added after she gave her a dirty look.

Since their live broadcast shocked fans and the network alike, Rachael has drastically changed her tune, admitting she did, in fact, flirt with a producer, and has no remorse for her questionable actions. She even laughed about ruining his relationship with his girlfriend while appearing on The Kyle and Jackie O show this morning.
“He has a girlfriend! But he’s probably not going to have a girlfriend after all these interviews. Whoopsie!” she said while appearing on KIIS FM.
Despite the fact she made no secret of her crush— with on-set insiders claiming “she was absolutely besotted with him”— the 23-year-old revealed she was far more interested than he was.
“I don’t think it was really that reciprocated, but he would definitely have a chat with me here and there,” she dished. “It was more a flirty thing on my behalf,” she said, adding, “He got around it though, he was definitely a little bit interested!”
Rachael said she decided to pursue the Channel Ten employee when she realised she had nothing in common with Matt.

Last week, Rachael found herself locked in another scandal after photos emerged showing the controversial star kissing Vakoo.
Appearing on KIIS FM this morning after Rachael’s segment, Vakoo— who was eliminated last week— spilt all the tea about her time on the show, admitting that while she’s been dating Rachael for “a little while now”, their relationship isn’t as serious as everyone’s making it out to be.
“We have been really good friends for a long time, and now we are trying to figure things out,” she began. “Rachael just had this vibe and there was something different about her. It’s going really well and we are happy but we’re just having fun. People think we’re doing more than just having fun and experimenting. We’re still figuring it out.”
When asked how long it took for things to progress from friends to lovers, Vakoo— who revealed Rachael is the first woman she’s ever dated— said after a drunken kiss they never looked back!
“It didn’t take long. We kissed one night at her house. It was a drunken kiss at her place and things kicked off from there. I used to always try and get Rach to kiss me in the mansion, but she never would.”
This article was originally published on WHO