Your fave band of misfits have reunited for another season of creepiness in the second season of Stranger Things.
The Netflix series is said to be released around Halloween time this year (how appropriate) and in the meantime, ~sneaky~ teasers and posters have been dropping that are getting us all kinds of excited… and terrified.

The cast and crew have previously revealed that the next season will be much “darker” than the first which gives you an inkling as to how freaky things are about to get!
The new poster shows the main kiddies staring up at what looks like the end of the freaking world!

And if that isn’t enough to give you the willies, just wait ’til you see the teaser trailer!
“Some doors can’t be closed. #StrangerThings2 arrives on October 27,” the ST peeps wrote in a tweet.
Erm, the tagline alone is enough to give us nightmares, TBH!
Be afraid. Be veeeeeeery afraid.