Sansa’s costuming on Game of Thrones has always held significant importance.
She’s always made her own clothes, and usually replicates where her allegiances lie, as costume designer Michele Clapton told Buzzfeed last year.
Like, for example, when she was allied with Margaery Tyrell.

“Initially we see her try to emulate Cersei in her costumes,” Clapton said. “Wherever she goes, she’s sort of pulled in each direction.”
Just like how her hair is currently replicating Cersei’s?!?!?!
Anyway… the focus of this is actually about that large, circular necklace she has been rocking in season 7.

It’s a very similar necklace to season 4’s ~Dark Sansa~, when she dyed her hair black ready to travel with Little Finger. It was when she was allied with him.

So what is does it all mean?
Michele Clapton has referenced her necklace before, as “Sansa’s smaller version of Needle,” Arya’s sword.
The fact that it’s back could mean that she might be allying with Little Finger again. In episode 2 of season 7, Jon puts Sansa in charge of Winterfell, while he goes to meet with Daenerys. The first thing Sansa does when Jon announces this, is look over to Little Finger.

Right now, basically nobody trusts Little Finger, and the fact that Sansa has been publicly calling her brother out and belittling his power is making us wonder if she is going to do something bad while he is gone.
Hopefully, Arya will get there in time, before anything bad can go down…