
Olivia Wilde’s New Show Is Making People Throw Up And Actually Faint


Olivia Wilde is starring in an adaptation of the iconic novel 1984 by George Orwell, and it’s been making HUGE headlines for the strangest reason.


If you aren’t familiar with the story, it is set in a time where independent thoughts are restricted, and people are heavily policed.

The adaptation is in theatre form, and so the traumatic scenes of torture are pretty insane.

Audience members have been reported to physically scream, faint or even throw up while watching some of the scenes. Yiiiikes.

Even cast members have suffered injuries from performing. Olivia herself has broken her tailbone, split her lip and dislocated her rib. Um. Ok.


The Hollywood Reporter said the play, “reaches heights of punishing intensity that will rattle even the most jaded audiences.”

1984 is showing in Sydney, Canberra and Perth now. See more here

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