‘New Girl’ Just Revealed Schmidt’s First Name And It Will Totally Shock You


Like many mysteries of the world, one we haven’t put much thought into is “what is Schmidt from New Girl’s real name?”

To be fair, who the hell knew that it wasn’t Schmidt in the first place?!?! Lol…

So… are you ready?


You sure…????

Okay… here it is:


Confused? So were we. There are officially two Winston’s in the world of New Girl and we weren’t ready for that.

Schmidt and Winston made the decision that Schmidt would go by his last name so it would be less confusing while they were friends in college.

Last night’s episode showed Schmidt wanting to turn himself into a brand, so he had to call his friend Winston and let him know he would like his name back. Lol, what the hell even is this show?

Anyway, Winston went on to warn Schmidt that “there’s nothing but pain down that road,” but Schmidt was determined to be a Winston again anyway.

The camera focused on the nameplate that Schmidt slides down the long table in the conference room, and it was really damn pleasing.

If you missed it, watch below and enjoy.

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