It seems like every episode of Married At First Sight has a new INSANE scandal. This week? Nic has apparently been ~RUBBING~ Jessika’s leg.
It all started when Martha confronted Nic about rubbing Jess’s leg at the dinner table. He denied it vehemently to Cyrell, as they both went to approach Jessika.
Jessika explained how it was just a friendly foot tap, and Cyrell decides to confront Martha about the entire thing.
That’s when ALL HELL breaks loose.
“She’s as fake as her tits and her nose,” Cyrell yells.
John has to then confront Cyrell and insist that she apologises to Martha. She does, but nothing gets fixed.
Martha declares that Cyrell is mad and says: “If it doesn’t work out with Nic she could have a really successful career with Pedigree Pal as a model or something like that.”
OH snap.
Watch below… MAFS everything we know about intruder couples: