It feels like it’s been forever since we were first introduced to 13 Reasons Why, and TBH it was over even quicker than it began.
It caused one helluva reaction from, well, everyone online… so will the epic fan reactions effect the upcoming season at all?
Stars of the show, Katherine Langford and Dylan Minnette spoke about this with Entertainment Tonight, with Dylan starting off: “I think every single word from everyone across the world has been heard by everyone involved with the show. Whether that will have an impact or change the story telling that needs to be done in season two, I don’t think so I think they’re, again, going to tell the story that we think needs to be told and tell it, and try to do the best job that we can, like last year.”

For Katherine, she revealed that, “I’m not sure how I can answer [that question] without giving away too much about season two. All I can say is, I feel like we continue the discussion from season one.”
Hmmm… if she can’t answer it without giving away too much, we kind of get the vibe that they’ve been listening to us and taking fans opinions into regard.
So what would you like to see in season two?!
It has been revealed that somebody other than Hannah Baker will narrate the new season, and she will still be a main character. Perhaps we will see other perspectives to what went down?!
Let us know what you think.