
Jesy Nelson Starred In ‘Harry Potter’ And Legit Nobody Noticed Until Now

Was she wearing the invisibility cloak!?

We always knew that the Little Mix baes were ~magical~. Like, did you SEE the “Black Magic” music video!?


Pure. Friggen’. Magic.

But we betcha didn’t know that one of the gals was involved in the most magical world on earth and beyond: the Harry Potter-verse.

Jesy Nelson has revealed that way back when she appeared in one of the HP flicks as a student witch at Hogwarts.


Wanna see a pic?

Alrighty, Accio screenshot!

Oh hey there little witch!


We can just see it now, she would’ve been BFFs with Hermione and would’ve had a ~major~ crush on Harry.

But after failing her O.W.L.s, she signed up for that muggle comp X Factor and the rest is history.

We see you Jesy, we see you.


Wanna score tix to see Little Mix live in concert? Click HERE for all the deets!

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