YouTuber Gigi Gorgeous made the awful mistake of mocking an entire religion in a video called “BECOMING JEWISH,” and yep, there was backlash.

Viewers were annoyed at her, reminding the vlogger that just because she travels to a country, doesn’t mean you can join their religion like that.

“This is really a disgrace. As a proud Catholic, I can say it is disrespectful to mock becoming a follower of a religion along with mocking prayer. I guess millennials will never understand that some people take religion seriously,” one viewer wrote.
“I lost all respect for Gigi after watching this. She is an adult, there is no excuse fro this behaviour,” wrote another.
Gigi waited a week before uploading her apology video, in which she says, “I think it goes without saying that I wasn’t trying to be offensive. And if I was, I truly do apologise if I offended you or your culture. I really was trying to have fun with the video.”