When it comes to Halloween, Colton Haynes does NOT hold back as evidenced by his previous costumes from Miss Piggy to Ursula the sea witch.
So in the lead up to this year’s spooky holiday, we’ve had our eyes glued to Colton’s social media in anticipation of which ~extra~ character he will dress up as, and he did not disappoint!
The Teen Wolf star took to Instagram to show off his 2017 costume that he rocked to a recent party, none other than iconic The Simpsons matriarch, Marge Simpson.
“Excited to host @FreixenetUSA 2nd Annual Black Magic Halloween Affair tonight! #ad#BubsInTheClub #FXCava #CavaWeen,” he captioned the image.
Erm, is it weird that we still find him attractive?
Here’s a look at his previous EPIC Halloween lewks…