
Some people seriously think Arya Stark didn’t ‘deserve’ her major ‘Game of Thrones’ moment

She's now been labelled a 'Mary Sue'.

This article contains Game of Thrones season eight spoilers. 


Game of Thrones’ third episode of season eight delivered one of the most intense scenes in television history. After seasons (count eight) of buildup, viewers were finally shown the Battle of Winterfell, which ended in a very satisfying way: Arya Stark killed the Night King by stabbing him with her Valerian Steel Dagger. 

Following the epic scene, Twitter went wild for both Arya and actress Maisie Williams. But for some reason, days after the episode aired many have taken offence to Arya’s big moment claiming she ‘didn’t deserve’ it. In fact, they’re calling her a Mary Sue, which in modern literature is an idealised female character who’s seen as “perfect” and has unrealistic success handed to them. The derision for Arya has gotten so out of control that ‘Mary Sue’ is now trending on Twitter.

Luckily though, the women of Twitter (and some men) weren’t having the actions of Arya diminished. 


A popular female-centric comic site that’s literally called The Mary Sue even hopped into Arya’s corner. “Glad to see that we are trending on Twitter,” the site tweeted in a statement. “We here at The Mary Sue are so happy you’re reading us and that this has nothing to do with men diminishing the importance of a female character who trained for something through over 7 seasons of a television show.”

Check out some more awesome responses in defence of Arya:

We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves. Arya Stark didn’t defeat the Night King because she got lucky, she did it because she’s the best assassin on Game of Thrones. If you don’t agree, we suggest you go back and watch from season one. 

WATCH: ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Episode 4 Trailer.

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This article originally appeared on InStyle Australia


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