
ZOMG: Alice Cooper’s Brooch Proves A Major Secret About The Coopers And The Blossoms

A MASSIVE clue has been right in front of us this whole time!!!

WARNING: Potential Riverdale spoilers ahead!

It has long been ~implied~ that the Cooper family and the Blossom family are related and based on this Reddit user’s theory, a major clue has been in plain sight this whole time!


Ever notice how Betty Cooper’s stylin’ mother Alice always wears a flower brooch?

Well, turns out that flower is actually, you guessed it, a freaking BLOSSOM!

Riverdale shock

“Perhaps purposeful foreshadowing of the revelation that the Coopers and Blossoms are actually related? Thoughts? Am I just grasping at straws?” The user suggests.


Srsly, though just LOOK at all the blossom bling that Alice has been rocking this whole time.

Blossom 1
Blossom 2
Blossom 3
Blossom 4

Either this woman is just reaaaaaaally obsessed with blossoms and has a whole drawer full of different blossom-shaped brooches or the producers are srsly trying to tell us something.

Another Reddit user said it best when they said: “Son of a broach!”

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