Everything sounded like it was all on track for the upcoming live-action Aladdin movie.
The ~musical~ score had been finalised, Little Mix’s Jade Thirwall was rumoured to join the cast, but now a big ol’ spanner has been thrown in the works over at the House of Mouse.
The Hollywood Reporter has revealed that the casting peeps are having major issues finding a perf fit for the role of Aladdin.
Over 2,000 Middle Eastern and Indian actors from around the world have auditioned for the role over the past four months but the studio cannot find someone suitable.

As a result, the filming schedule has been pushed back, meaning the highly anticipated flick won’t be released until later than expected.
Disney were hoping to have started filming this month but the date has been moved to August.
Insiders have revealed to the publication that the whole process has been a complete and utter “mess”, with actors being put through several screen tests in London only to be rejected in the end.

Insiders maintain that these setbacks won’t damage the film, however.
Filmmakers are on the lookout for newcomers to fill the role and once they do, everything will go ahead as normal.