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Jeffree Star SLAMS Manny MUA’s apology video where he reveals he was self-medicating

"Can the real sociopath in the beauty community please stand up??"

After taking a break from YouTube, Manny MUA has returned with a 3-part apology video.


One of the most talked about part of his break is actually his relationship with ex-bestie, Jeffree Star.

In the videos, he briefly discusses what happened between him and Jeffree, and people keep tweeting Jeffree about it.

Can everyone stop tweeting me about Manny? I don’t care what he’s doing nor do I ever want him in my life again. He has holiday makeup to sell and this is his parent’s idea of a “come back” – Shane and I want our 20% cut for stealing our entire concept,” Jeffree wrote back to a fan.


But he didn’t end it there.

“It gets so old being asked every day about someone you genuinely don’t give a f*ck about. Manny never cared about me. He cared about growing his bank account. I was stupid in the beginning then woke the f*ck up. Let me live and stop digging for ‘tea’ — I’m bored.”

Jeffree also called Manny’s latest video “calculated”, also accusing him of copying Shane Dawson’s recent documentary-style videos.

“He uploaded on #WorldMentaHealthDay because his manager told him to,” he tweeted. “His first 2 ‘apology’ videos flopped so they’re trying the @shanedawson route. It’s f*cking pathetic and so calculated it makes me sick. You want the truth? Absorb it.”


Manny didn’t respond to Jeffree’s tweets, instead, he defended himself about copying Shane.


“I’m not trying to be anything like Shane Dawson… I wanted to discuss a serious topic and my side of certain things. The video would have been too long if I did 1 so I split it into 2 🤷🏻‍♂️.”

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