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Highlighting Your Hair With A Beauty Blender Just Got Turnt

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As if they weren’t already AAAHHH-mazing enough, all the secrets behind the beauty blender have been revealed including the right way to use it when it comes to highlighting your locks!  🙌

It has taken the internet by storm and it’s basically highlighting for your hair. It works super well with bright colours – oh haaaiii unicorn hair! 👋


UK hairdresser Jamie Stevens gives us the low down on how its done…

First up – and this is hard to hear – Jamie cuts his beauty blender in half!


Use the round sides of the sponge to apply spots of colour to your hair! The brighter, the better girls! 

The rounded, soft edges on the sponge allows the colour to blend into the hair so there’s no random blotches. 

The result? YAS KWEEN!


100% trying this a-sap.

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