Kim Kardashian is building up her beauty empire RN, and in doing so, she collaborated with makeup guru Jaclyn Hill.
The pair worked on a “snatched” look tutorial, which turned out completely different anyway… but a super cut version has just been released and holy hell you can physically feel the frustration Kim has with Jaclyn during the entire thing.
Here’s the version Jaclyn uploaded on her channel:
It received a lot of comments from fans that criticise Jaclyn for being too hyperactive and basically just annoying. Jaclyn has disabled the comments on the video since they became so snarky, but a super cut version that somebody made showing the most cringe-worthy parts of the video mashed together has gone viral.
It’s titled “Jaclyn Hill annoying Kim Kardashian for 3 minutes straight,” and it seriously delivers on that headline.
Here are some of the highlights…
Kim looking majorly annoyed at Jaclyn just snatching her makeup to show off:

Kim ignoring Jaclyn when she asked her to look at her face:

Jaclyn interrupting Kim mid-sentence:

Yikes. This is really awkward. So awkward that Jaclyn has responded to the whole thing.
She created a “chit chat” video, where she addresses her nervousness issues for a reason of her odd behaviour around Kim.
“I felt like I was overly hyper, and I felt like I was, like, interrupting [Kim] when I saw the footage. It bothered me to see me act like that. I’m like, ‘Really, Jaclyn? Get it together.'”
She also claims that the editing of the video, in which she had no part in, was more of a reason as to why it seemed so cringe-worthy.
Apparently, Kim’s team “didn’t put a lot of things in the video that I wish they would have because we had two hours of footage, and there were so many things that Kim said, the stories that she told, the conversations that we had that I know my subscribers would have loved to see.”
With Kim’s high profile, we are sure Jaclyn would have had to sign an NDA, and she wouldn’t have rights to the raw footage…so unless Kim ever decides to release it, it’s gone fam and the awkward version will live forever.