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There Will Soon Be A Vaccine Available For Acne And FINALLY!

Prayers: answered.

If you’ve ever struggled with acne, this might just be the news to make your day.


Everyone’s skin is different, and we react differently to different treatments and remedies. So it’s hard to pin-point what is the right thing to do.

Some of you may feel like you’ve tried literally everything, with absolutely no success.

Luckily, there may now be another option…

According to Allure, a team of scientists at the University of California San Diego are working on an acne vaccine. Lead researcher Eric C. Huang told the publication:


“Acne is caused, in part, by P. acnes bacteria that are with you your whole life – and we couldn’t create a vaccine for the bacteria because, in some ways, P. acnes are good for you. But we found an antibody to a toxic protein that P. acnes bacteria secrete on skin – the protein is associated with the inflammation that leads to acne.”


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